
Dear friends, with our new project “quARTainer” we are on the home straight. For the realization, however, we need your support with our quARTainer crowdfunding on Startnext. The coordination with the authorities and offices has come a few steps further and we have received a lot of positive feedback at all stages. We look forward to the support and partnership with the city of Giessen. First of all, we would like to say
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Twenty twenty. Covid19. What a year. The world has changed, we had to change. Between lockdown, corona resrictions, planed projects, logistical problems, deadlines, night shifts, an awesome summer, which really wasn’t the one we are looking for and an uncertain future. Hope! Waiting for the vaccine, a pandemic that not only belongs to artists, facing new challenges. Lockdwon. Flexibility and adaptability have guided us through the year, the team kept together. Working and staying healthy.
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Dear friends, we'd like to invite you to the upcoming group exhibition. The opening will be at the 12th of September at 19:00 o'clock. Yours 3Steps Capture the Street a RIVER TALES street art exhibition From the 13th of September till the 20th of October 2019 the Oberhessische Museum presents together with the RIVER TALES street art festival the first Hessian street art exhibition in a museum. The exhibition
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Hello friends, the long anticipated RIVER TALES book is now available as preorder! With the following link you can order the book in advance: Preorder RIVER TALES Book - the years 2017 & 2018 180 colorful pages with all RIVER TALES artists from the years 2017 & 2018, the current street art map for exploring, behind the scenes fotos and much more is waiting for you. In addition, this year RIVER
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Due lack of time this is currently a Google translation. Dear friends, spring has arrived and is still struggling with the last cold days. The first trees are blooming and the meadows are shining in the fresh green. In these beautiful days, hr television with the format Hauptsache kultur shot a short reportage about us. Currently we are preparing our next solo-show with the content and title battle | court . On 09.04.2019 we
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Dear friend, this year passes quickly and sunshine & rain, calm & storm, heat & cold change quickly and we have a lot of work to fullfil. The preparation and planning for this year's sequel to the RIVER TALES festival are already in full swing. After winning the Ab in the middle price on April 17th again after 2017, we can not wait to present you the complete line up and program 2018 soon. We
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Dear friends, wet and cold weather makes us shiver and it's more like the days for a leisurely tea on the sofa or to enjoy art in a relaxed way. Our current exhibitions are dedicated to the central theme of ‘Ambivalence’ - contradictory desires and feelings - objects or things that trigger both attraction and rejection. The material of the tangible sculptures and installations and the background of the paintings are often vintage found things
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We need your help for our coming river tales street art festival! Support the RIVER TALES Festival now on Startnext Crowdfunding: Upward from 6 EUR you can support the realization of the festival through big or small contributions. As a perk you can get fantastic limited original artworks, stickers and other great things, you can even become a part of RIVER TALES yourself. The more supporters we can find the more internationally acclaimed artists
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Many greetings with a few beautiful impressions of the fair art KARLSRUHE. In the one artist show BIRDS OF PREY we present numerous new works with our partner gallery 2CforArt on 50 square meters at the international art fair. The works include the two new critical paintings View of the Future and Beauty of Arabia. Here, Urban Glamour pick up on the actions of politics and society in Europe, the Middle East and the world.
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This time only in German. Translation will follow soon... Wir wünschen Euch allen besinnliche und friedvolle Weihnachten und einen guten Start ins Neue Jahr! Eure 3Steps Nachfolgend die letzten Neuigkeiten, bevor das Jahr zu Ende geht: Gewinne zu Weihnachten eine von drei 3Steps Siebdruckeditionen Milvus County Monografie und Birds of Prey Mural See you @ art KARLSRUHE | Februar 2017 Aufgrund der Vorbereitungen zur Art Karlsruhe und dem Studioumzug sind wir bis in das Frühjahr
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Welcome to Fall! A great time of year with lots of changes in the alternation of natur, colorful Trees, misty meadows, rainy days and sunny hours. In the course of the coming days we will finish our last big Mural-Art project of the year, before we retreat to our Studio in preparation for the art KARLSRUHE 2017. But before this year ends, we present to you on the 11th of Novemberwithin the frame of a
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We wish you a great late summer, that is hopefully showing you its best side. In our summer Art Telegram 2016 we want to inform you about upcoming news and projects. Launch 3Steps Online Store on 09.09.2016 Fall-Exhibition: in Licher Barns & Heyligenstaedt Giessen Summer Round Up: UNICEF #sprayforpeace Performance | Projekt159 | Botschafter für Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft | Reflexion Episode 2 Yours truly 3Steps Launch 3Steps Online Store on 09.09.2016 New Screenprint "The Medical
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We hope this finds you well, spring is finally here and has blown the winter away. In 0ur Spring Art Telegram 2016 we want to inform you about our upcoming solo show and exciting news. Fields of Memories | 3Steps Soloshow | Gallery of the Wetzlarer Kunstverein Museum for Communication Frankfurt | 3Steps Telephone Series in permanent collection of the museum Homepage Update | new navigation, galleries & videos Your 3Steps Fields of Memories |
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Before this year ends we would like to draw your attention to two future shows and give you a little round up of last years events and works Wintershow 2015 | a studio exhibition Heard on the Street | 3Steps Soloshow | 2CforArt Gallery Salzburg RoundUp 2015 | The year in review We wish a merry Christmas to all our friends, partners and customers and good start into 2016! Your 3Steps crew Wintershow 2015 |
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We invite you to our soloshow for the 3. "Kunst in Licher Scheunen" Art-fair "Welcome to Milvus County" Sa. 12.09.2015 | 11 - 20 Uhr | Artist talk 12 am, 2pm and 6pm Su. 13.09.2015 | 11 - 18 Uhr | Artist talk 2pm location: Alte Wurstfabrik Dietz | Heinrich Neeb Straße 32 | 35423 Lich, DE | Entrance behind the courtyard left Under the showtitle "Welcome to Milvus County" the artists collective 3Steps takes
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Projekt159 | Eine Region - Eine Bank - Eine Wand Dear friends of 3Steps we need your support! For our next big project Projekt159 with the Volksbank Mittelhessen we created three designs of which ONLY ONE can be painted on a 159 squaremetres large wall in October. You can vote by You don’t need to own a facebook account. Furthermore you can win great artworks and a meet & greet for an afternoon and
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REFLEXION | NOIXELFER The transformation of three wall segments of the Berlin wall An art performance by 3Steps in Part of the River Tales Project Bild: REFLEXION | NOIXELEFER Sprung in die Freiheit - 15.08.2105 (Courtesy of 3Steps) After an three quarters year planning time we started our REFLEXION | NOIXELFER Berlin wall project in august 13 this year. Since then lots of things happened in part of the project that we won’t withhold you.
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We are pleased to inform you with three news about our projects. WERTHER MURAL | A reference to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Chalotte Buff and Wether in the old town of Wetzlar. WOW @DavidGuetta posted Street Art from 3Steps on Instagram | 200k+ likes Urban Art Exhibition „EXPRESSIONS“ | July 31st | Galerie Hegemann in Munich Best regards 3Steps WERTHER MURAL A reference to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Charlotte Buff and Werther in the old
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Dear Friends of 3Steps, Things are going haywire at the moment. With this beautiful sunshine out there we are happy to tell you one thing or another. Without a big introduction, our new Exihibition-catalog "3Steps: Ahead!" was released in April. You can order the Book online, get direktly in our Gallery or in our online shop. The craziest thing of the last few days though, was this: We are among the winners of the StartUpWeekend
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Ahead! ist ein umfangreicher Ausstellungsbildband des Street Art Kollektivs 3Steps zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung von Dezember 2014 bis Februar 2015. Der Band beinhaltet Arbeiten und Werke zur Serie Urban Glamour des Kollektivs. Die Reihe ist eine zeitgenössische Reflexion einer jungen Generation im urbanen Umfeld: Urbanes wird in Ästhetik transformiert, Banales trifft auf Pop Art, Gewöhnliches wird Glamourös inszeniert. Zahlreiche Werke bestehend aus Collagen und fantasievollen gesprühten Motiven auf Holz und Leinwand. Das Buch dokumentiert die Arbeiten
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Goethe, Charlotte and Werther are bound to Wetzlar like the Lahn or the Dom. In the recent past the town museum honored Goethes Werther with a special show. In cooperation the 3Steps collective wants to set a modern monument to the historical figures of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Charlotte Buff from Wetzlar as well as the fictional Werther. In the spring of 2015 the werther wural originate in the heart of wetzlar, DE on
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3Steps presents a new serigraphy at the end of the Ahead! studio show. The collective printed the "Voice of the Streets Icon" entitled screenprint in the "Card Sunburst Edition" by hand. The colored pattern of the edition was printed using the iris method in three colors. The motive shows a lady wearing a black patent leather coat utilizing a megaphone. According to playing cards, the icon is represented mirrored twice. The "Voice of the Streets
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The Federal Government of Germany awarded the street art collective 3Steps from Hesse, central Germany “Kultur und Kreativpiloten Deutschland 2014” (Cultural and Creative Pilots Germany 2014). On the 5th of November 2014, the 32 award winners from the creative industry were entitled in Berlin. 869 creative companies competed for the awards of the German Ministry of Economy and Energy and the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media. The organization of the award is
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At this year's Thriller Festival Giessen over forty events with literary highlights mostly with a fatal outcome are offered. Exciting novels, short stories by bestselling authors will be presented by world-class readers. For the 11th Thriller Festival Giessen selected guest stars will be presented of nine exclusive paintings. The 3Steps collective produced elaborate works, sprayed on real handmade paper with a variety of hand-cut stencils. The varied edition of nine pieces has been painted in
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The three artists of 3Steps created three exclusive paintings for the „Werther“-exhibition of the Wetzlar city museum. The triptych shows street-art-portraits of Goethe, Lotte and Werther. The paintings in intensive colours were painted with spray colours with the use of handmade stencils on wood. The work of 3Steps is presented alongside a large stage design of Martin Lüpertz and many other exhibits for the exhibition “Goethes Werther on the stage”. Goethes’ roman was and is
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For the group exhibition „CITY BOTANY – Urban and floral art"3Steps presents new unique editions of their actual series „Urban Glamour“ on wood, canvas and paper in their gallery at Bahndamm in Giessen. Vernissage: 18. Juli 2014 um 18 Uhr Ausstellung vom 19. Juli 2014 - 25. Oktober 2014 GALERIE AM BAHNDAMM ausgelagert Neustadt 12, 35390 Gießen Öffnungszeiten: Mi, Do, Fr : 14 - 18 Uhr Sa: 11 - 17 Uhr Exhibiting artists are: JENS
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