» With ‘AMBIVALENCE’ we address the desires, feelings and judgments that are all around us – that trigger inner tension and conflict. We like to talk about those objects or things that evoke both attraction and rejection. Do you recognize your own AMBIVALENCE? Show your AMBIVALENCE? «

Dear friends, with our new project “quARTainer” we are on the home straight. For the realization, however, we need your support with our quARTainer crowdfunding on Startnext. The coordination with the authorities and offices has come a few steps further and we have received a lot of positive feedback at all stages. We look forward to the support and partnership with the city of Giessen. First of all, we would like to say
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Twenty twenty. Covid19. What a year. The world has changed, we had to change. Between lockdown, corona resrictions, planed projects, logistical problems, deadlines, night shifts, an awesome summer, which really wasn’t the one we are looking for and an uncertain future. Hope! Waiting for the vaccine, a pandemic that not only belongs to artists, facing new challenges. Lockdwon. Flexibility and adaptability have guided us through the year, the team kept together. Working and staying healthy.
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Dear friends, we'd like to invite you to the upcoming group exhibition. The opening will be at the 12th of September at 19:00 o'clock. Yours 3Steps Capture the Street a RIVER TALES street art exhibition From the 13th of September till the 20th of October 2019 the Oberhessische Museum presents together with the RIVER TALES street art festival the first Hessian street art exhibition in a museum. The exhibition
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» We are all driven by our dreams, desires and needs. Our pictures and works are a reflection of those. These shall help the people to find their own. «