Dear friends,


with our new project “quARTainer” we are on the home straight. For the realization, however, we need your support with our quARTainer crowdfunding on Startnext.


The coordination with the authorities and offices has come a few steps further and we have received a lot of positive feedback at all stages. We look forward to the support and partnership with the city of Giessen. First of all, we would like to say thank you for this. Furthermore, the local press as well as this week the radio station Hessischer Rundfunk had already reported about “quARTainer”. If everything goes well, we can present you the first exhibition in “quARTainer” in the middle of Gießen, Hesse, Germany in spring 2021.


What is “quARTainer”?

“quARTainer” is a gallery glass container intervention for the presentation and communication of fine art in Hesse, Germany.

So that we can build “quARTainer” in such a way that it is not only empty 20-foot sea containers, we still need your support.


You wonder how?

Our crowdfunding on Startnext has already started very well. With your support we already reached 50% of the first funding target. But only if we achieve 100% of the target, the sum will be paid to “quARTainer”.

Your support should not be in vain, as a thank you, limited artist editions (as shown in the picture below), small souvenirs and more await you.



For the preservation of art and culture during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond!

“Art is something that you have to experience. You can see and buy a lot online. But it’s like a Van Gogh in an exhibition. It always looks different.” – Kai Krieger in the hr radio station interview


So go ahead and click directly on the link


Many Thanks!


Your 3Steps & the quARTainer team




Artist-editions: 3Steps

quARTainer concept sketch: Ali Mojahedi

© & ® 3Steps