The Telephone Series of 3Steps tryed to invite people, to a clear and distinct communication. Just as in earlier times the red phone during Cold War a direct link between nations was, should the people communicate clearly with and under each other, while they are talking eye to eye. This relates to socio-critical topics, environmental degradation, war, suffering and injustice, but also one’s own desires, feelings and ideas as well as the beautiful things that make life worth living.
Furthermore, it is about the transformation of banal everyday objects into cult objects. Through intensive colors an old black telephone gainson new meaning.
As a template for the series serves an old phone by the grandfather from Kai and Uwe Krieger. Further Pierre Fréderic Datz, the great-great-grandfather of Joachim Pitt, got the first phone in the world for the physicist Philipp Reis in 1861. This is an important personal background for the collective and their own history.
The Telephone Series is sprayed with templates to custom-made paper collages by hand. These consist of magazines, newspapers and journals as well as various print media were collected by themselves over jears. The series is made on wood and sealed with hard lacquer. Each phone tells its own story or reflects a particular theme.