Dr. rer. pol.
Kai H. Krieger alias SiveOne | born in 1980 in Giessen | twin brother of Uwe.
Part of the Urban Art Collective 3Steps, founder of the creative agency Krieger & Krieger and curator of the RIVER TALES festival.
Study of economics and political science at the University of Giessen from 2000 to 2006. Received a university doctoral fellowship from the IMK. Doctoral studies from 2006 to 2012. Holds a PhD on the topic of Guerilla Marketing under Prof. Esch at the University of Giessen and the EBS Business School. Awarded 2012 with his dissertation with the newcomer price of the BVM / VMÖ.
Since 1997 Graffiti and Street Artist.
Since 2012 painter, artist, entrepreneur and curator.